Plan A Visit


No matter what stage, age, or season you find yourself in, FSBC Flagstaff is for you!

We invite you to come just as you are and be part of this community of people who are striving together to discover God’s purpose and plan for their lives!

What To Expect

We know that showing up to a new place for the first time can be intimidating, but at FSBC Flagstaff it’s our desire that you feel right at home from the moment you pull into the parking lot!

As a first-time guest, you are VIP to us so we'll be there with you every step of the way!
You'll find our friendly greeters at the door ready to welcome you and show you around!

Our Sunday Morning Bible Study begins at 9:45 am.
Come on into the fellowship hall and join us for small talk, coffee and breakfast snacks before you head to class!

Our Sunday morning worship service begins at 11:00 am. We have a relaxed atmosphere. Our music is a mix of traditional hymns and praise songs. Families are encouraged to worship together, however we do offer a non-staffed nursery or mother & baby room where you can view the livestream of the service while your child plays in a comfortable space. The Pastor has a children's moment where the children are invited to join him up front for a few moments of object lessons and teaching on their level.

Come As You Are

At FSBC Flagstaff, there is no dress code!
Some people show up in suits, and others wear jeans and t-shirts.
We want you to wear whatever makes you feel comfortable!

Bring the Kids!

At FSBC Kids the care and growth of every child is our highest priority and our passion is to create exciting, Bible-driven, interactive environments specially designed for your kids!

Bible Study classes are available at 9:45am on Sundays for all ages!

We encourage the whole family to join in on worship time. If you prefer, we have a nursery available for children to play in with their parents supervision. We have a livestream of the service provided on the TV in the nursery so you don't have to miss out.

A mother-baby room is available, just down the hall from the sanctuary, with streaming live video of our worship service, comfortable seating and quiet toys for young toddlers who may prefer to stay with Mom.

Join Us This Week!

Bible Study


9:45 am



11:00 am

Mid Week Bible Study


7:00 pm